Monday, October 9, 2017

The horror is having to sit through these unnecessary sequels...

Halloween 5 : The Revenge of Michael Myers

....but there I am, every year, camping out in front of the TV, watching bad films made for a quick buck.

     So as I was mentioned before, a supernatural element has been creeping into the series, and now one year after the events of #4, we learn that Jamie has a psychic link to the still living and breathing Michael Myers. In fact, it was Michael that took over Jamie's mind when she stabbed the hell out of her foster mother. Because of that, Jamie was put in a children's hospital because the trauma had nearly blitzed her mind. And one year later, Michael lumbers into town in anticipation of the most awkward family reunions we've seen in a while.

     Naturally, Dr. Loomis is nearby, watching and realizing the psychic link is taking over Jamie's mind as we see her go through what appears to be seizures. Dr. Loomis is also starting to become the old crazy coot warning about Myers still being alive. He might as well be wandering the streets with a sandwich board with a picture of Michael and text that says "He Lives!' while yelling out incoherent nonsense.

     As usual, there's a lot of running, screaming, dying...nothing new here. But there is something new: At the very end, after Dr. Loomis incapacitates and imprisons Michael by beating him over the head with a plank of wood,  a dark figure appears at the police station, shoots the place up, and releases Michael. We have no explanation, and you never see a face. Is he a G-man, military, or maybe even part of some secret experiment? It's the most original thing we've seen since the first movie....but still kind of weak. However, I'm now slightly interested in the explanation of that, and I'll get to it on Wednesday.

Tuesday: Obligatory zombie film, despite how I loathe them...

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