Friday, October 13, 2017

Almost 20 years ago, they tried to fix this franchise...

Halloween: H2O that LL Cool J?!?

...and it kinda worked.

     Technically, this is the 2nd attempt at an escape from sequel hell. The Halloween story line has veered off the tracks several times, but this bid to put some professionalism back in is a nice change of pace. But here's the thing that bugs me a bit: This film disregards the last 4 sequels, and attempts to clean up the series. That's fine, but earlier this year (2017), it was announced that the next Halloween film will also include Jamie Lee Curtis, while wiping all but the first 2 films off the books. So sadly, that negates this film. Make up your mind, guys!

 Anyhoo, the story is Laurie Strode faked her death and restarted her life in So-Cal at a private school. She has a son, and shit-ton of baggage. While she and her son try to make the best of things while dealing with her issues, her brother stops by to relive old times. But...he forgot to bring a bottle of wine and the rest of the movie they're at each others throats. Well, he's at everyone else's, rather. Right up to the hilt. Heh.

However, you know the drill. Running, chasing, hacking, slashing, stabbing, and the ever present Quaalude march of Michael. And damn it, if you smack a bad guy in the head with a rock and he goes down, KEEP HITTING TILL THE HEAD'S GONE!!!

     But the last scene...that very final scene made this entire film worth the watch.

Once again, Laurie shows us how you take care of business!

Cast notes:
Yes, that really is LL Cool J!.

Adam Arkin?...actually, I get that. Nobody cared much for him 20 years ago, and he's pretty forgettable now.

And Joseph Gordon-Levitt, though he's killed in the first 5 minutes, face stabbed by an ice skate. He goes on to make a movie about a guy with a porn addiction that nearly destroys his love life.

Saturday: Can the British make a decent horror film?

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