Sunday, October 25, 2015

The world's most unhelpful cop....

Maniac Cop

     '80s NYC has a problem. There's a man running around killing people dressed as a cop. He's just indiscriminately killing anyone he wants. They could have gone with a vigilante, but no. Just a psycho. In the past, he was a cop that got sent to prison for being a bad cop. He was attacked in the shower and had his face mutilated, and 'dies'. But we all know he really didn't, so we're treated to the rest of the film being his murder rampage. Originally he was only to kill bad guys, but changed his mind about that and just kills everyone while framing another cop...whom he then tries to kill as well. His preference is to stab people with what is clearly NOT a police issue weapon. I found it strange that he didn't use a gun and was seemingly bullet proof. And in the end, we find out he's also drown proof.

     That's really all there is too it. I tried stretching that out as far as I could, but it's a pretty basic '80s slash 'em up starring Tom Atkins, Bruce Campbell, and the late Robert Z'Dar's chin. Not great, not bad...kind of a 'nothing' movie. I'll admit I've wanted to see this for a long time, but not enough to make time for it. I did this year, and....I may skip the 2 sequels.

Monday:  It's a nice place in the country...

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