Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I love you, Japan

Mutant Girl Squad

Just pretend that you can read that.
     I think I should have saved this for last. I have another Japanese splatter horror film to share. And just like all the others I've covered, this is just as fucked up as the rest. You know the formula: Lots of blood, lots of school girl uniforms, and lots of head splitting/exploding/decapitating. In typical Nippon fashion, it's mostly indescribable. But here goes anyway:

     There's a group of mutant people in Japan called HILKO. Normal people don't like them and persecute them, mostly with death. This is the story of Rin's indoctrination into a clan after finding out she's a hybrid. Her father was HILKO and her mother was normal. But all is not as it seems, and it turns out the clan is a bunch of suicidal terrorists hell bent on punishing the normal, non-mutant people. That's the basic premise. Now here's some .gifs to show what I'm not up to describing. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't convey this very well. Observe, if you will:

Katana bewbs!!!!

Insane violence!!!

Karaoke....I think. Not really sure what's going on here....

Chainsaw butt!!!

     There's soooo much more, but it's just too much to cover. Every scene has some fucked up mutation or brutally violent action that just makes you shake your head. If you think you'll get desensitized, I can assure you that will not be an issue. However, don't be surprised if the looks on peoples faces become twisted when you try to describe this to them. And really, be careful sharing this. If their faces get too contorted, they may strain themselves and we don't want that. 

Actually, tell them all about it. Don't leave out the part about the 'butt-saw'.

Wednesday: That little shit-head is back to round out all known appearances 

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