Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Stupid sequel compulsion....

Leprechaun: In The Hood

Leprechaun: In The Hood

     Time to finish what I started last year, but with no fucking help from Netflix. In the past, I had a collection of downloaded films, as well as .99¢ bin cheapies to pull from. I've avoided streaming because I could never count on Netflix or Hulu to keep the same movies as I made my calendar out months in advance and I was trying to avoid what happened this year. I made my list in September, less than a month before Oct. 1st, and thought I wouldn't any or few hiccups. But Netflix removed 4 films at the start of October. All 4 were horror films. So removing horror movies before the OFFICIAL month of horror begins has got to be the work of a fucking retard. So instead I had to scramble and find some shady website to stream from. God only knows what malware got loaded on my machine. Next year, I'll make sure I have hard copies. Now that I've got my rant out of the way...

     Somehow, Lep ends up in Compton in 'totem mode' and Ice T manages to wake him up, then capture/refreeze him with the Necklace Of Holy Leprechaun Freezing and takes his gold. Years later, Ice T is a mogul using Lep's gold and flute to stay rich and run a record production company. 3 dunder-headed hip-hop hopefuls get their chance to have T produce for them, but they end up robbing and stealing his shit. During the heist, they free Lep and the game is on.

Highlights include

*Ice T

*Cameo by Coolio

*Bud smoking Leprechaun

*A Tiger Woods reference made by leprechaun that's been frozen since before Tiger was born so there's *no way he's have any idea who that is....

*There's a lot more cross-dressing than I expected

Right before the credits roll, we're treated to Lep doing a rap....just in case you wanted to dislike this movie just a little more....

Thursday: He upgraded to a bong...

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