Friday, October 30, 2015

This could have been named anything....

Leprechaun: Origins

    This movie makes me happy. Happy because it's the last damn Leprechaun movie in the franchise.....for now.

     4 hiking tourist decide to head to some crappy little villa in Ireland and the residents warm up to them right away. Two of the towns people offer them a place to stay for the night and the hikers agree. The joy is fleeting, however, as once they're dropped off it becomes clear something is trying to eat them...

...this is because something IS trying to eat them. It turns out the villagers are assholes that stole gold from our little Gollum-like leprechaun and now use wandering twat-waffles' like these hikers as sacrifice to keep the little bugger at bay.

     Ug...a WWE funded movie? And Hornswoggle for fuck sake?...Actually, this is a very good thing. For once, the entire franchise is put on its heels by making an ACTUAL horror movie and not some dopey one-liner filled turd with endless sequels. Though it's your standard 'monster chase' fare, it's still a step in the right direction to freshen this turd up. And as much as I like Warwick Davis, I'm tired of seeing him in heels spouting shitty rhymes and cheesy puns. Sadly, I doubt this trend will continue with the franchise as Lep is really more beastly, and less evil. Just being a blood thirsty animal is not the same thing as a truly evil entity. That unfortunately makes this just another mindless monster movie. But hey, you get an 'A' for effort!

Saturday: One last film, one last taste of hell...

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