Saturday, October 26, 2013

You'll get my damn VCR's when you pry them from my cold, dead hands....


     Right from the start, this movie has 2 things going against it. First, it's an anthology of 6 different mini-movies. Second, they're all 'found footage' films featuring mostly Dude-Bros. I hate found footage films. They try to scare you by NOT showing you anything, and leave more questions than are ever answered. Oh, and sometimes they make me dizzy because THE FUCKING CAMERA NEVER STOPS SHAKING!!!....ahem, so naturally, I'm jaded from the start...
....creepy-assed humongus eye girl...
    Within the 6 tales, we have a demon bat girl that rips off a mans junk, a lesbian double cross complete with throat stabbing, a poltergeist, a bunch of blurry shapes of creatures/things killing people in the woods/house/where ever it's dark, and Skyping bewbs! Oh, and for some reason, there's more dude-bro ass than I prefer to see, but there's some cheesecake too, so all's fair.

     I find it hard to really review anthology style films because there's just too much ground to cover and I don't want to be too windy or give too much away. I will say it wasn't as bad as I expected, and the last story, 10/13/98, was pretty decent. If you're into this sort of thing, you might as well go for it. There's a sequel, but I'm not going into that. I'm really tired of sequels...however...

Sunday: One more from an old friend....


  1. Seems skippable if you ask me. Also, I miss 80s horror, where at least you occasionally got some beef sausage with your cheesecake.

  2. Well, you get to see some dudes weiner...and then you get to see it ripped off. So, its got that going for it....

  3. Damn, Spank, what is this, like the 10th movie with genital mutilation in it? I think you may be getting a subliminal message from the cosmos: stay inside this Halloween. Preferably alone.
