Saturday, October 26, 2013

"Bring it, Frat Bitch!"

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Leave it Canada to come up with this. A bunch of white college kids and their two token Oreo friends head to the woods to camp out. On the way, they cross paths with some stereotypical hillbillies - or so they think. They learn some hard, often pointy, lessons about being judgmental. Also, clearly their parents should have invested in vocational school since they are far too stupid for college.

How NOT to talk to the honeys:

Frist off, you're shown the "killer" in the opening scene, although most of the deaths are actually accidental. If you haven't identified the would-be psycho by the general store scene, there's no mistaking who it is during the out-of-nowhere "survivalist" speech.

Oh, fuck it! It's Chad. C'mon, anyone named Chad in a slasher flick is bound to be an ass-tool moron or self-aggrandizing frat-jock wanker - in this case, all of these and more. It was painful watching him bust those whack karate moves.
C'mon, he's wearing an aqua blue polo shirt with a popped collar - of course he's evil!
Dale and Tucker are just two good ole' boys who bought a fixer-upper "vacation home" - the cabin from every backwoods hillbilly horror flick ever made. They're up there for some "man time", which sounds really Brokeback Mountain even without the corresponding lap scene. All the madness starts because Dale & Tucker save the life of Allie, the psychology major (who couldn't tell Chad was a ticking time bomb). Of course being rubes, the collies assume they must be cannibalizing (or otherwise eating) Allie, and die gruesome deaths trying to "save" her.

Not scary but funny as hell. I laughed out loud 'til it hurt. This is kind of a buddy movie, too, so you get moments of tenderness between Tucker and Dale, like, "You're not as ugly as you think you are." Honestly, I thought Dale was adorable - like a big teddy bear.

Well, on to the next movie.

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