Thursday, October 24, 2013

We sip our whisky out of glass....jar.....

Tucker & Dale Vs Evil

      What we have here, is a couple of ne'er-do-well rednecks spending the weekend in their newly purchased 'weekend home'. At the same time, some lame-ass college kids are heading to the same area. Naturally, hijinks ensue!

     Dale and Tucker are the prototypical rednecks. Dale is fat,dumb (but has a photographic memory), and lacking in the 'talkn' to the wemins' department. The other, Tucker, is only slightly more intelligent. Oh, and thin. A gross series of unfortunate and hilarious events ensues and the college kids start dying off due to their ineptitude and rash assumptions. Weed whacker to the face, impaling yourself onto a branch, jumping into a shredder, shooting yourself in the head because you were looking down the barrel of a gun trying to figure out why it wouldn't shoot....Ya know, in hindsight, every one of these college kids is just dumber than a box of rocks. Hell, they couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel. In the end, we're treated to College Boy vs. Redneck: THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!!!
"Oh, nothing officer. We're just taking our torso out for a walk"

     While it wasn't laugh-a-minute, it was really amusing and I recommend it. Most of the acting is great but maybe the costume design was a slightly overdone. There's a lot of small subtleties that aren't' too hard to catch so it's not too smart for you. It's just a good watch. So watch it.

Friday:  What a terrible burden I've put upon myself....


  1. Ha! This is totally in my queue for this year.

  2. It helped to have Netflix ram it down my throat in the 'suggested' list. But you'll like it!
