Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"We have a Turd in the Punchbowl. I repeat, we have a Turd in the Punchbowl"

Puppet Master: The Legacy (#8)

     This is one of the most infuriating movies I've ever seen. Not just because it's low budget, filled with bad acting, cheap special effects, and stars creepy-ass puppets. It's infuriating because all of the low budget, bad acting, cheap special effects, and creepy-ass puppets are shown from the 7 previous movies! That's right, this entire fucking movie is ONE LONG FLASHBACK EPISODE!!! I'm not kidding! 98% is recycled footage! This is the biggest cop-out I've ever seen! The only new footage is a side story setting up the flash backs that last in total, about 5 minutes. Since that's the only thing new in this film, here's the set up: Some ruthless bitch is trying to find out how to kill the puppets forever, thereby freeing the souls trapped in them (she calls them the 'immortals'). She fails, and is killed by the current Puppet Master. But here's the thing that pisses me off more than anything else: As she dies, the P-Master looks away, and then points the gun at something off screen and fires. The screen goes black, and then this appears:

The producers would like to thank all the cast and crew that helped make the Puppet Master series a tremendous success over the years

     So what the hell was he shooting at? Wiki says he sees one of the immortals...but so what? How would you know if it wasn't for Wiki? It could be a damn chihuahua in a leather jacket doing the moonwalk for all we know. But THAT doesn't even matter because if you use a little Horror Movie Logic, immortals can't be killed with guns...BECAUSE THEY'RE FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!

     This movie is bullshit and the worst sequel of any movie I've ever seen. And this also marks the second time they've 'ended' the franchise. But guess what?! They made 3 more after this because you can't kill a franchise! Thankfully, I only have one more left to watch on Friday.

But tomorrow is Thursday, so that means we got ourselves a bona fide Redneck Halloween Adventure!