Tuesday, October 19, 2021

"Shirts Vs Skins" or "How To Properly Water-Proof a Power Drill"

 Slumber Party Massacre

     First of all, let me clear the air about something. This movie and it's 2 sequels were written and directed by women. Maybe that doesn't make much difference but I thought it very interesting. This movie is also the epitome of boob slasher flicks and quite possibly the progenitor. Originally written as a spoof movie, it was transformed into a 'serious' film and that's why you get to see boobs in the first 2 minutes.  

     An escaped mass-murder has escaped and killed a really hawt phone repair woman and steals her drill and van. After killing another high school for reasons I can't understand (hey, he's a mass murder. That's just his thing) he stalks the rest of the high school girls to a home where they're having a slumber party with weed and booze! I bet they talk about boys and girl stuff...

     Things start out great as beer is drank, weed is smoked, and pizza is ordered. However, when the pizza guy shows up, he's blind...and dead. His eyes have been drilled out. Turns out this plucky DIYer is pretty handy with a drill and just goes to town on damn near everyone! Eventually girl-power prevails and he's opened up with a machete. Some people just KNOW how to host a party.

Our kill count as follows:

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Drill

Death by Machete

It's a short watch at 1 hour, 16 minutes! They couldn't even push it out to a more traditional 90 minutes but it's still longer than those stupid damn Evil Bong movies

Thursday: The drill has an upgrade...

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