Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Not as Pretty....

 Hell Night

     I remember this VHS jacket at my local rental store in the late '80s/early '90s and I've always been curious. It's got Linda Blair grasping the wrought iron bars, making a desperate attempt to flee the house in the background, only to be pulled back in by hands reaching from below while she screams in horror. Terrifying stuff, really...However, the movie is not so much terrifying as it is a great early '80s horror film. 

     It's pledge week and some college whose name is never mentioned. I figured it was either University State or State University. It's definitely one of those two. Anyhoo, pledges are dumped off at a spoooky house and all they have to do is survive the night. However, there is a really fugly guy wandering around the place choppin' heads, stabbin' with sharp rusty things, and strangling the shit out people that really didn't completely deserve it. For once, I don't hate each and every one of these college students. But as you know, rules are rules and they all have to die, mostly mid-coitally. Mr. Fugly, as I will refer to him, is the last remaining family member of a heartless murder suicide perpetrated by his Father, Mr. Fugly Sr. Apparently, he's working with an accomplice and manages to kill everyone but Linda Blair, so....mission accomplished? 

     Giant gaping plot-holes aside, this is a fun watch. Yes, it's dated. Everyone in this movie is now pushing 60s-70s or dead. And the F/X are hack, but still a nice horror film to watch if you're missing the '80s and need a nostalgia fix. And the best part is? No stupid pointless sequels. Yay!

Wednesday: Bewbs and power drills.....

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