Monday, October 18, 2021

Get used to Pink and Purple...

 Color Out Of Space (2019)

     Nick Cage lives with his movie family in the sticks raising alpaca's. One night, while trying to get some play with his wife, a loud bang disrupts mommy & daddy time. Mostly because a meteorite landed in the the front yard. It's big and purple and just plain pretty. By morning it's cooled off, and then disappears overnight. And that begins our long chain of events that are just plain weird. The ground water changes color, seemingly alien purple insects come out of the well, Little Billy (I don't know or care what his movie name is. He's the youngest of the family) starts talking to the well, electronic devices act haunted, ect... Long story short, everyone dies in the end. But it was so pretty when it happened! Seriously, if you like purple and pink, this film is your bag.

Creepy but pretty

NEVER crawl into a well for ANYTHING.

It's sooooo pretty!!!!

     This is very reminiscent of Annihilation staring Natalie Portman. Both give a story of alien meteorites that try to assimilate into the environment by changing it to suit it's will and both have a somewhat ambiguous ending. Color Out Of Space is loosely based on an H.P. Lovecraft story of the same title from 1927, so I guess we know who came first.

Oh, one last thing: Tommy Chong is also in this film playing a squatter that, you guessed it, smokes a lot of weed.

Tuesday: Ragan MacNeil vs. Matthew Star...

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