Monday, October 5, 2020

There's not much else you can do with a cube...

 Cube Zero

     This movie franchise's premise has reached it's limit, and it's starting to show. That usually happens when a prequel is involved, and that's just what we're seeing here. For the first time, we're shown a little of the inner workings of the cube, and really it's just a bunch of button-pushers.  They repeatedly watch people die on all sorts of horrific manners, but don't seem to mind...

    ....that is until one hottie trapped in the cube complex is recognized by a young button-pusher, as he's seen her in his dreams. Suddenly, he grows a conscience and starts to concern himself with her situation. Eventually, in an effort to get her out of there safely, he enters the cube and begins to help the remaining party. I should mention that this film's cube party is more of the same: Different personalities thrown into a melting pot, trying to get out. Sadly, they're all boring as hell and not really worth mentioning.

All we've learned after 3 movies, is there's no real escape from the cube, and no real purpose other than to torture the prisoners . Most times, they don't even know (or can't remember) why they're there. What's the point of torture if the victims don't even know why they're being punished? Whatevs, the good news is, I'm done with the Cube movies. 1 cool film, 2 dull sequels that I'll forget in a month. Time to move on o something a little more serious...

Friday: I lied about the serious movie....

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