Saturday, October 3, 2020

Most famous horror movies are BECAUSE of kids.....

 Prom Night

     A group of kids are playing in an abandoned school house  and become total dicks to one littler girl, causing her to slip and fly out out a window to her death. They all swear to secrecy because they don't want to get spanked for causing their friends death. Double dick move, kids. 

This is why I don't have kids. They're mostly assholes.

     Shift forward to high school years and we meet a very young Jamie Lee Curtis right in the middle of her scream queen era. She's a sister to the poor dead girl and the entire family, including her brother, are doing the best to cope. It's also on the eve on the Prom, so there's really no mystery what's going to happen next...

....well since you asked, it's a heaping helping of revenge! We got lots of typical kills, and one masked asshole killing off pretty normal people. Only one of the deaths was really welcomed and when you see it, I think you'll agree. 

It's OK. His future was a trailer court or prison.

The rest, easy to say, is a simple 80's slasher flick that really only has 2 highlights:

Leslie Fucking Nielson bustin' some moves!!!

And the REAL star of the movie:
Seymour "Slick" Crane

     Say what you want about Seymour's aesthetics, that mad fool dropped a pickup line and got some play! He's got game, yo!!!...then he died horrifically, post coital. That was a bummer.

     Anyhoo, there's a legitimate surprise finding out it was Jamie's brother as the killer. Fuck, the movie is over 40 years old and you've had plenty of time to watch it. Don't get pissy about me dropping spoilers.

Tuesday: We squaresies?

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