Friday, October 2, 2020

Bunch of squares...


     Perfectly boring random people are tra-la-la-la-la-ing around, minding their own business and boom, next thing they know they're in a cube. One of many, I should add. All of them adjoined to the next on all three axis's. Some are inert, some are filled with deadly traps like razor wire, gas, and acids.

     The point of the cube is heavily implied that it's one part punishment and one part maze but the real reason is never made clear. From the beginning, there's no real way to know which room is a trap and which is safe. The preferred method is swinging your boots around in an empty room before going in. However, after some small panels with numbers are noticed, a method is discovered ala the universe's only constant:


     Math. That's right, nerds save the day again!...well, kinda. Hate to spoil this for you, but only one survives, and he's not socially coherent. But he's good at math.

This guy. Good at huge numbers but doesn't like the red rooms.

   While not overly intense, it is a nice watch despite some over-characterization some actors throw out there. While paranoia is implied to run rampant, only one person is really suffering from that and when he dies, there's nothing left but a grease spot. Had he not been there, they'd all have survived and the movie would still have been OK.

     I would like to note that this entire production was Canadian, including the cast and crew. Not once did I hear the colloquial "Eh". I hope that shatters your preconceived notions of Canadian life.

Monday: Sometimes you just can't trust your own brother....

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