Friday, October 2, 2020

Hell is Thaillywood

Oh My Ghosts!

   Ok, so um....first, it's a comedy from Thailand. Second, it's a sequel and I've not watched the first because I was misled by the titles. In hindsight, "Oh My Ghost" and Oh My GhostS" should have been an obvious clue, but I missed the details. It's also completely subtitled so get your 80's anime shoes on and get in some reading.

     Since I have no idea what happened in the first film, I'm going in blind and a little behind the curve. However, what appears to be going on is a strange ghost is haunting "middle aged women" in some sort of dorm. I'd like to mention that I say "middle Aged Women" because they're clearly men dressing in drag. They summon another ghost (that died on the toilet) to help rid them of the evil ghosts, but that makes an ever bigger mess. It's a very silly movie filled with slapstick, poop jokes, and a dance-off with the ghost.  However, I was never sure what the hell was going on but I just went with it.  It had some funny dialog and really would be a funnier movie if there was some half decent dubbing. Horror comedies are mostly hit or miss and this one would be in the hit category whereas Saturday the 14TH would be a massive miss.

     One thing that really bugged me about this film....there were so many clocks! There was an entire wall of them. Are they time-obsessed? Oh, I should also mention there was time travel in this film....

Sunday: One for all the squares out there....

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