Friday, October 11, 2019

Yep, the well's running dry

Child's Play 3

     Back to the factory we go....or really never left. We're treated to an opening montage of the factory being cleaned up after years of neglect leading us to believe that Andy Barclays shenanigans left the company in ruin. While mostly true, it's 8 years later and the company has crawled back from the void and ready to make those stupid, ugly dolls again. Surely nothing could come from this but profi.......oh look, Chucky's reborn and that means it's time to get his murder on. And after taking out the corporation's CEO, it's time to start new, and move on with a new lease on life starting with....finding Andy Barclay. Really? Still chasing Andy for his body? Why doesn't he just find some other idiot? Is it revenge? Either way, it's all going down in a military academy because somehow a kid with a very disturbed and troubled past ends up in a place that teaches hand to hand combat and weapon proficiency.
     The remainder of the movie is a series of cat & mouse chases that concludes at an amusement park...seems like a lot of movies have an amusement park scene. What was an interesting, but dated plot, became a un-suspenseful trip back to the 90s filled with wannabe bullies, teen angst, child enticement, and one stupid doll...

Aforementioned stupid doll.
Saturday: It's really nice to see Clint again....

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