Sunday, October 6, 2019

Keep your tentacles to your damn self....


Filmed in Ireland, so this constitutes a foreign film

     A big 'something' lands in the ocean and a nearby fishing trawler moves in to investigate. The entire crew is quickly dispatched by something stabby. The next day we meet our protagonists, an alcoholic police man and a lady cop that is on a working vacation. Weird things start happening like whales showing up on the beach, people dying, ect...

     Turns out that big thing that landed in the ocean is a tentacle beast nick-named a 'grabber' and boy do they live up to their name. They feed on blood and water and as it turns out, that's just what Ireland is full of. One of them also crapped out a bunch of eggs so there's also that going on.
Not a good place to stand.

      Since there's a storm coming, it's theorized that the daddy-beast will be able to move about the land freely. After they figure out that the beast doesn't like drunk people due to their BAC level, it's determined that getting the whole town drunk is the best, most plausible action to keep the islands residents case you forgot this movie takes place in Ireland. After that it's a lot of drunken high-jinks and like a quarter of all horror movies, fire saves the day.

Apparently this is 8am in Ireland.
Monday: What is it with doll movies and endless sequels?

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