Tuesday, October 8, 2019

It warned me "For mature audiences only" and I giggled....

Cute Little Buggers

     Stupid fish-faced aliens wearing riot helmets arrive at Earth and start sending "penetration units" that look like little fluffy bunnies to Earth for breeding purposes. Whatever kind of porn that is, I want nothing to do with it. Naturally, the little fluffers are not as they appear what with there gigantic teeth and tentacle-laden mouth and all.  Simply put, they're stealing the women and shipping them off to a lab where they start growing things in them. Something about propagating the alien race or something. It's not worth remembering why. In the mean time, there's a lot of other REALLY stupid side stories that nobody could care about. Seriously, there's a crap-ton of drama going on between bunny maulings and it makes no sense. It's bad enough you're in CGI/Green screen hell, that it's a veiled boob-movie, that it's is overly long at 1 hour, 48 minutes, but putting relationship drama into a titty-bunnie movie makes no sense!

     SO after people become aware of the evil lepus, the fighting begins and naturally, it get's bloody! It's a Goddamn horror movie! It should be!....but maybe just not so much dumb involved. And you know what works best on the hares? Urine! Yep, pee on them and they explode. This fucking movie was written by a 13 year-old in the throws of social awkwardness and puberty. It's a groan-fest that not even booze can help make better.

            Nobody. Just nobody. Not even the rabbits are worth remembering.

Moving the hell on with Wednesday:  Return of the least intimidating horror icon...

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