Thursday, November 1, 2018

"I don't think the air holes you put into my condom are working"

Dude Bro Party Massacre III

     This is a production from the group that gave us 5 Second Films. Literally, the films are 5 seconds long and while you may not LOL, you will crack a smile. Naturally when they were crowdfunding this, I was eager to see the end results.

     The long of the short is, the remaining survivor of twin brothers infiltrates a fraternity that his murdered sibling was part of in order to find his killer. They end up at a camp on a lake, and wacky hi-jinks ensue. Over the top violence, blood that sprays everywhere, dark humor, tons of 'bro-y' frat-ness,  and some cameos by Larry King, Nina Hartley, and Patton Oswalt.

     I don't want to go into detail because quite frankly, I've seen this before. It's a spoofy mash-up of a crap-ton of horror tropes that we know and probably grew up with and this was no exception. If you've seen Scary Movie...ANY of them, you've seen this. This is one I've wanted to see for a while and it's really hard for me to not be critical. For 3 years I've put this off because I was too cheap to buy the download or DVD/Bluray. This year, I said 'fuggit' and splurged. I did enjoy it, but I was really hoping for something different. There were some great lines, but I think I let the 3 year build up overrate this and I was left with a 'meh' feeling. I couldn't even find any decent gifs to share!

     That being said, I'm done! 31 days and 31 movies in the books. I think this years stand-outs from my list are The Void, The Devils Candy, and Holidays. The biggest turd was Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill! without a doubt.

Now I'm off to read a book or whatever it takes to kill off the next 2 months of depressing holiday cheer.

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