Sunday, October 28, 2018

Tastes like bad guitar riffs and insanity...

The Devils Candy 

     Our movie starts with an unshaven Uncle Fester hammering away at a guitar in what's presumed to be the middle of the night. Mom has had enough and unplugs the guitar and informs him that his Jimmy Hendrix-wannabe-ass is going back to the mental hospital. He disagrees and kills mamma. Months later, the house is sold to a Father/Daughter/Mamma trio. The father is an artist that is bordering on hipsterism, while the mom is some sort of office drone.  Daddy has turned the shed into a workshop and starts hearing voices which becomes a muse and he starts some wicked paintings that are somewhat prophetic.

      Soon, the Hendrix wannabe shows up and wants to just hang out in his old house. The new residents say 'no, go fuck yourself' and he runs off and kills a kid. Sweet guy, no?  After shaking off the sluggish first half, the movie takes a much more intense turn featuring home invasions, kidnapping, nearly getting butchered, shot, immolated, and I have to say, I fucking loved it. Not often does my heart-rate pick up when watching films, but this did the trick. Every move the director could have made to invoke a response worked on me and for once, I felt like I had watched a horror film. Though the story isn't' very deep, everything else compensated for it.

     The cast is filled with people I don' t know, but they did a spot on job. Tony Amendola is the only recognizable face here. And even though it's a brief scene, he owns it.

     One other thing I loved about this movie is its mostly metal sound track. It was well timed, felt native to the film, and thankfully not overbearing.

Sunday: Best friends forever!!!!

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