Sunday, October 28, 2018

Better than UFC on PPV...

Freddy Vs. Jason

     Long awaited fan-service film for people that were waaaay to into Jason & Freddy. We watched them, but we made fun of them because they really did get silly. And this film...well....nothing ever really changes.

     From the start, we're told that the only way Freddy can keep coming back is if people remember him. The town has gone to obscene lengths to 'forget' about him, so he calls out his homey Jason to start killing and get people remembering The Fred. Chopping up horny teens is the BEST way to do that. It works, and guess who's back!

     Basically, Jason is working as Freddy's werewolf. He's sent in to build belief in Freddy, and in turn build his strength so he can kill whatever's left. Seems kind of like sloppy seconds or last call for a bar hook up, but whatever. Once the killings start, the story of Freddy starts spreading thanks to 2 buds kept in an asylum busting out and spreading the word. They were in there and kept isolated because they were some of the last kids to have contact with The Fredster.

    Unlike all the other Friday movies, this one avoids the stalk kill. It leans heavily toward the Nightmare ethos and that's fine because it's a lot less linear. However, we're back to the silly antics of Freddy.

     Sadly, all is not well with the agreement between Freddy and Jason after Jason starts stealing kills from Freddy. Freddy takes exception to this and the battles begin. And trust me, the battles aren't hokey. In fact, it's best part of the movie! I was worried that this would be a total let down due to some lame half ass fight. But no, they go all out and that was what SHOULD have happened! Blood EVERYWHERE! It's a battle of horror titans, damn it! Wreck EVERYTHING!!! Watching them kick the shit out of each other made a decent movie better but one thing I know for sure...I'm not cleaning up that mess.

      This is the end of this year's Sequel Hell. I've now seen every Friday movie with the exception of the pointless 2009 reboot that I saw sitting in the $5 bin at Walmart this very night. I'll probably go back and get it but I thought it a stupid idea to reboot a series that is constantly telling the same story over and over. It's been told 11 times. What's a reboot/remake going to do? There's also a TV series, but that's going to cost a lot more for the DVD set, so maybe we'll visit that in the future.

That Freddy! Always a teaser!!!

     Deaths By: Machete to stomach, machete to back, beheading, machete to the front EVERYTHING,  double machete stabbing.  neck spinning, flaming machete to the back, machete to chest x 3, burning to death, evisceration, coat hook impalement, tree slapping, dying in each others arms like a good bunch of homicidal maniacs in love should.

Monday: Down to the final 3. They probably suck....

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