Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I've never heard of a 'dicky' and I'm not Frenching a zombie/demon hybrid...

Dead Before Dawn

     So when your Occult shop owning grandfather tells you NOT TO TOUCH THE SUPER SCARY URN on the top shelf....the first thing you should do is show it off to the hottie you have a thing for. But if you played it safe, we wouldn't have a movie! But that's what happens when Casper (not the ghost) covers for his Grandfather who's receiving a occult lifetime achievement award. It also doesn't help that you're an overly cautious safety nerd.

     So breaking the urn had consequences. When it breaks, everything that the group said turned out to curse anyone they made eye-contact with. Which means people that catch their gaze kill themselves, then become 'zemons', which is half zombie-half demon. Also, if you want to make one of the zemons your slave, just make out with it! See, that's why you don't put young adults in charge of scripting curses.

     Naturally, (or is it 'supernaturally'?), there's a way to break the curse, but I really didn't  pay attention to that. I was more enamored by the silly black humor that was spread throughout the film. Thankfully it wasn't repetitious or overdone. There were only a few boring or predictable scenes. It made for a nice light movie and that's what I was looking for at the end of this month. I've seen people killed soooo many ways that I'm getting a little desensitized. And it's no surprise that happens about the same time every year.

Wednesday: The final flick and everybody in this film needs to die.......

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