Monday, October 31, 2016

Zombie Big Brother


So...this movie was actually kind of interesting. "Re-Kill" is actually a reality show shot live, on a 2hr delay, in a post-outbreak America. The world's population has been decimated by a particularly virulent virus that creates savage zombies. It's nearly impossible to quell outbreaks. Anyone suspected of being infected is terminated. Meanwhile, in between the footage from the series, are several propaganda commercials from corporations and special interest groups promoting anti-zombie vaccines (that probably don't work), re-population sex clubs(?), and "where were you" spotlights and patriot tales. Sort of reminds me of Starship Troopers.

In this segment of the series they are shadowing a new recruit (who quickly buys the farm), but end up being deployed on a suicide mission to discover the truth about the mysterious Project Judas. It's not so mysterious: scientists tinkering with re-ans (the zombies) screw up and create a kind of super re-an who dispatches them but somehow manages to keep the project running to amass an army. Queue outbreak number two.

While this is going on, there's a religious quack team member who has been ranting about the plague being god's work a la Westboro Baptist Church. Apparently god is preening the wicked from his garden with a disease that not only kills people, but turns them into ravenous cannibals. Couldn't wait for him to buy it.

I could say a lot more about some of the sociocultural issues but it's not that exciting.

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