Sunday, October 30, 2016

It had 2 titles, and nobody knew either of them....

Seance aka Killer In The Dark.

Wow...where do I begin?

     Let's start with the story basics.  Dumb-ass father and  young son break into a church and vandalize the hell out of it. For some reason, they climb up to the steeple and are struck by lightning and die.  Fast forward to the future where we see Corey Feldman having a party with some old college buddies and tells a story about when he was a kid, he had a ghost friend, which I'm sure you've guessed by now, is the spirit of that poor child with the really dumb dad. "Hey, let's do a seance to see if I can still get a hold of that old chum of mine" , says Corey. Great idea, because we've never seen a horror film before and we have no idea what could possibly go wrong with that.
Naturally, everything goes wrong and that little bastard starts possessing people and offing the group of friends, one by one. Solid story writing. I hope they don't have any silly kills in....oh no, wait. A guy had his throat slit by a CD that came flying out of a computer. Never mind, we're already in suck-ville.

     Yeah, this movie is shit.  It's part legend because it was made in 2001 but never released. Not to theaters, VHS, DVD, or even to network. Someone had to leak it in 10 parts to Youtube, and after watching it, you'll know why....

     I once watched a movie named The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made, and it featured a scene where a giant fetus destroyed a city. It was bad, but not the worst even though/because it was by design. This? This was trying to be a real movie but it looks more like a web-series. Most movies are filmed in 24-30 fps, and this was done in 48. That makes it look like a soap and I'm pretty sure they stole the sets from Guiding Light or some such. The F/X is all katsup and rubber knives, the acting is some of the worst I've ever seen, and I'm pretty sure the only reason Adam West shows up is because he was walking by the set one day and someone offered him $50 to say one line and wave his arms around for a total of  45 seconds of screen time.

Poor Corey Feldman. He really had to suck it up to do this film despite movie credits like 2 Friday the 13th installments, The Lost Boys, Toxic Avenger 4, Meatballs 4....Yet, he did this in 2001, and not learning anything from it, made Puppet Master Vs. Demonic Toys 3 years later. This is why you take acting classes even after you made it in Hollywood. YOU NEED RANGE, BRO!!! This, without a doubt, has been the worst movie I've seen this horror fest.

Monday: The final film for 2016

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting to think that it's just impossible to please us after watching as many horror films as we have.
