Monday, October 31, 2016

Can I Interest You In A Watchtower and Lyncanthropy?

Late Phases

On the day Ambrose McKinley moves into a secluded retirement community, a wild animal attacks, leaving several dead. Ambrose doesn't believe the spiel about it being common for places close to the woods. Nor does he believe it's a bear. He sets out to kill the beast.

oh, and he's blind.

Yep, so it's Blind Fury vs, Silver Bullet in a elderly community. This isn't a bad movie per se - even though the werewolves looked like mutant terriers in furry adult footie pajamas...and there's brief elderly nudity. Ambrose is kind of a dick but most of the residents are self righteous a-holes, so his sarcasm is well deserved. Nonetheless, he starts training (with a shovel) and hatching a plan to catch the werewolf. Unfortunately, the werewolf sees him with some ammo and realizes the jig is up. It hatches it's own plan in desperation and things get a little hairy for Ambrose.

One thing that annoyed me about this movie was how the werewolf confesses to someone and the guy watches the full transformation before he decides that maybe he should try to make a run for it in his 20yr old station wagon. Of course this fails and werewolf literally jumps Matrix-style through the air and like kick-lands through the that furry pajama jumpsuit thingy. Comedy.

Yeah, it's probably not the worse movie you'll ever see.

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