Monday, October 31, 2016

Sometimes The Story Isn't Worth It

The Shrine

I can't even remember these people's names. If that doesn't tell you the caliber of this movie...

An annoying journalist trying to make a name for herself, convinces her boyrfriend to fly to Alvania in search of a missing tourist. They're accompanied by an intern from said journalist's employers, who think they are off investigating dying bees. This movie took an hour - ONE HOUR - before anything even remotely considered "action" took place. Then it was over in 12 minutes.

Basically, unfriendly locals have been killing people for trespassing in their misty forest where a spooky statue lives. I'll admit, the end was good, but I don't think I could make someone sit through an hour of Carmen's (journalist?) pissed boyfriend telling her they ought to go home. There were some good moments in the lead-up - mostly of the "why would you DO that?" variety. Like, why would you go down into the closed-off bunker dug into a hillside - especially after a creepy little girl tells you all the tourists are there.

Perhaps the most annoying thing was that like 75% of the movie is in Polish. No subtitles. Just Polish. Whose genius idea was that?

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