Sunday, October 2, 2016

Punk never died, it just goes to bed at a more reasonable time..

He Never Died

     Starring Henry E-ffing Rollins!!! Henry plays Jack, an immortal cannibal. He's trudging through life, trying to keep level in order to fight his cannibalistic urges and stay clean. This includes lots of eggplant parmesan and church bingo. Somehow, he integrates into society well enough, but stumbles once in a while and eats a person, or more accurately, their throat. These things happen. His daughter shows up, then some lame mafioso show up...and the blood starts to flow.

     While not a fast paced movie, this is a great watch. While the plot is thin as hell, the deadpan humor made the movie. I can't tell if it's because that's how Henry is playing the roll, or if it's unintentional. Whatever, it works like a charm. I've noticed that often times when I really like a movie, I struggle to find words. Where as terrible movies, I can go on and on and on and on....You get the idea.

Monday: Nazi zombies....why does it always have to be Nazi zombies......

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