Tuesday, October 4, 2016

If it involves a prison, butt-holes are sure to be near...

Human Centipede 3: The Final Sequence

     The good news is, we are told, this is the last one. That means no more ass-to-mouth horror fetish.

     We 'finish' the series in a prison run by seriously disturbed and unstable warden played by the doctor from the first film.  The plan is to maintain better control of the prisoners by turning them, you guessed it, into a human prisoner centipede. That's the long of the short. Clearly, this prison has no oversight whatsoever. Even with the governor visiting early in the film, it is clear that nobody checks on how crazy this place is. Not only is the warden completely out of his mind, but the prison doctor doesn't even have a license. That's pretty much the only reason the he goes along with the plan.
     I can't tell if this is a departure from the first two, or the third in an over the top franchise. What I do know is, the warden LOVES to yell! He spends the first hour YELLING AT EVERYTHING!!! It's just annoying. Nonetheless, the process begins, and everyone is sewed together, ass to mouth. And thankfully, they show most of the procedure this time....just in case you had any curiosity about that.

Tom Six is an ass freak.
Sadly, that's about it. There's not much meat on this boner of a film, but I did take tally of some unusual things:

Abdominal incision rape!
Comatose rape!
Poop eating!
Eric Roberts!

Wednesday: What was I smoking when I picked this out?

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