Monday, October 3, 2016

Well, what did you expect? It's another damn Nazi zombie movie.

Dead Snow 2: Red vs Dead

     So we pretty much start where the first film left off.  Nazi zombies just wanna have fu-uun. And by fun, I mean slaughter lots of people trying to steal their gold. At this time, I'd like to point out that they probably stole it from Jews. So it's not like it was really theirs to begin with. But they're Nazis. This is just one of the many horrible things they do. Since the zombies were woken in the first film, it's time they got busy and accomplish their original mission: Destroy some stupid town. In the first movie, the Nazombies were simple. They just chased and killed. In this film, they're much more active in things like recruiting, killing, and administering magical powers. Yeah, that last one is a new one. Instead of using zombie bites to infect and propagate, they now use a magical power to wake them once they've been killed. It involves touching them with an enchanted hand. After some arm swapping early in the film, it's now become apparent that in order to combat the Nazombie army, you need to find a graveyard filled with Red Army POW's and wake them up through a process called “magic transplanted arm re-animating”. 

     I know it's been a couple of years since I saw the first film, but I don't remember it being this silly.  It really had a more serious tone for a horror movie. But from the start of this film, that veneer fell away quickly as I watched a scene in which Nazi tank drivers used a victims upper intestine to siphon fuel from a bus to a tank. A tank, I might add, that was a static display and probably hadn't moved in 70+ years. But hey, it's a Nazi zombie movie. Try not to over think it. And as always, I have proof:

I know you're zombies, but don't you think you should rinse that out first? You know what's in it, right?

    Despite the comical path the second installment went, I did like the movie. Mostly because of the the black humor seen throughout, and some of the kills were just over the top violent. The acting and f/x were pretty decent as well, so it's worth your time if you absolutely NEED to see a Nazi Zombie movie.

Tuesday: Time for the third sequence....

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