Monday, October 5, 2015

Veni, Vidi, Viciohdeargodthismovieisterrible.

The Night Evelyn Came Out of her Grave  
Just a note of fact: At no point is anyone beheaded.

     Like most Italian horror films, they're recorded on cheap film, suffer from bad lighting, and overtly dramatic and psychological. And when it crosses the Atlantic to be dubbed...well, that's just one more thing terrible about them. This is by far, no exception. It reminds me of Land Of The Minotaur in the sense that it's boring as hell, and simply put, a spaghetti horror film. Peter Cushing couldn't help that film, and there's no way Clint could have helped this turd out.

     So the synapses is as such: A husband being treated by a psychologist starts dragging home redheaded women that remind him of his dead wife. Before her death, she cheated on him (kinda) and now he takes his frustrations out on these unsuspecting women that got woooed by this Bob Guccione-wannabe driving around in a Lamborghini Jarama. Finally, he settles on a BLONDE and marries her. But she's even worse than him and pushes his mental state to the point of being comitted for permanent psychiatric care. Sounds exciting, no? No is right, and this film drags its feet through a script that could have been a 60 minute made-for-TV episode of Columbo.

     But the worst part is you'll be stuck watching this crapfest for over 103 minutes. How anyone could have sat in a theater and watched this end to end is astounding. I'm sure I would have fallen asleep mid-way through. It's that boring. I've sat through an unbelievable amount of crappy movies and this has to be the most boring one I've ever had the pleasure of suffering through. That really is saying a lot. Even with the super triple double-cross at the end, I was still a movie watching corpse. Moving on..

Tuesday: Oh right...another bad sequel. This is going to be a loooong week.

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