Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thunder Chickens vs. Doogal Sloths

The Dark Crystal

     More Henson, more supreme puppeteering, and a deeper longing for movies of this caliber. There's very little to complain about this film as it's nearly flawless. As a kid, I loved the Skeksis. The Skeksis were a petty, deceitful, cowardly race that came from the Crystal when it cracked. The Mystics came from the same Crystal at the same time, but were the complete opposites. With two diametrically opposing beings, this movie reeks of duality and is illustrated when any member of the factions dies, so does its unlikely twin. In the end, when both races became one with each other, it created balance. That was the Henson way.
     Though this film was never held to the same regard as Labyrinth, it is by far the better movie. When you compare the two, you can see Henson and crew are there to create something from their imagination without much regard in TDC. In contrast, Labyrinth was a much safer script. There were no deaths, stabbings, or violence in general. This is all due to the criticisms The Dark Crystal suffered when first released, despite having a clear message about what evil looks like and what courage really is. This film just had more meat on it's bones.

Some notes, however:

Aughra's nipples were clearly present.
Jen's puppet still creeps me out more than any Skeksis, Mystic, or Garthim.

1 comment:

  1. Thunder. Thunder. Thunder Chickens. Ho!

    Trying to explain how wonderful this movie is to people who only see puppets is such a daunting task. I've always loved this. The message of how interconnected we all are is so profound and expertly woven into the imagery and minutiae of the tale, it never needs to be stated. That all actions have a consequence and that the universe is always seeking balance is also threaded throughout the film. Too bad these masterpieces are rarely made anymore. Today it's all about big names and flashy effects.
