Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Creature From Midgard


This looks a lot cooler than is was.

This opens with an apprehensive Viking Princess chastising her greedy father, who's about to get his ass handed to him 'by the Gods". Sounds cool, right? Well then you end up in some archeology nerd's house while he dresses to speed away to his job at a museum. There he gives a bumbling speech to the museum's funders, who aren't impressed that he thinks he's fund the source of the Ragnarok myth. Ragnarok is the Norse doomsday, if you're slow. It involves Fenrir the Wolf and the World Serpent, among other things, but we're just going to focus on the obvious player (note the poster).

A little background: The archeologist (whose name I'll nver pronounce) has two kids, Ragnhild and Brage. His wife dies of cancer so he is raising them by himself, a point that doesn't sit well with Brage. The boy sets his dad up with an internet dating profile but neglects some vital info and poor dad starts getting crazy email. Daughter, Ragnhild, is tough and moody.

After some late-night excitement - well, for two fossil-freaks - dad backs the kids up for an exciting trip to the Finnemark. This family excursion has them illegally crossing the Soviet border and rafting to a tiny island. From here on out it's Jurassic Anaconda, Norwegian style.

So the movie was about realizing the family is more important that anything else. A lesson not learned by Princess Asa's dad and almost paid for by this crew. Totally not the fantasy flick I was expecting and certainly not Troll Hunter but ok for the fam I guess.

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