Friday, October 3, 2014

Nazi's always Nazi Zombies

Zombie Lake

I don't care what it says, it's a damn cool movie poster
     Awww, our first foreign film. Isn't that cute? It turns out that Europe makes shitty movies just like us! And with all things European, being progressive is just one of their normal traits. For example, full frontal nudity in the first 1.5 minutes! I'm not kidding about that. It was during the opening credits!

     So there's zombie Nazi soldiers (like in Shock Waves), and they're hanging round a lake (like in Shock Waves) killing some of the locals dumb enough to swim there (like in Shock Waves). The back story is the villagers killed a whole mess of Nazis and tossed their bodies into said lake. So naturally they haunt the area. Some nosy people start digging around, and that prompts the zombies to start hitting the town, killing some of the villagers. That's when the mayor steps in and realizes he's a terrible mayor for ignoring the zombie murders and rounds up the townspeople to help get rid of the Nazi zombies....the same Nazis they “got rid of'” 10 years before. The moral is, bury your dead Nazis. Or burn their bodies. That's what it took in the end.
Why so paranoid, guy?
     It really amazes me that no matter how terrible the director is, they still manage stretch out a crap-fest like this to an hour and a half. Like all zombie movies of this caliber, the F/X is just abysmal. The acting....well, it's not really acting so let's not get into name calling. After a while, I didn't even bother reading the subtitles. One other thing that made no sense was the way the zombies killed. They just bit necks and walked on. Maybe they drained the blood, but that really wasn't implied. Since when are Zombies vampiric?

     The only cool thing about this movie is the original poster. Shock Waves was a better movie. Watch that piece of crap instead.

Saturday:'s not a zombie movie, I swear.

1 comment:

  1. You know it's a high caliber movie when you have a sepia toned Nazi zombie head ogling titties on the poster.
