Thursday, October 2, 2014

All I really remember is the tan-lines....

Return To Horror High

     Billed as a horror comedy and non-sequel to a movie that never happened (but actually did, it's just completely unrelated), it starts out with a back story about some horrifyingly murderous event that took place in a high school. Years later, a movie crew invades and starts to film a horror flick there. Then people start dropping like flies. The bloody and violent death scenes are mostly implied because this isn't a real slasher flick. Since it's a movie about filming a movie filled with flashbacks, it becomes really annoying after the 4th time. There really isn't much more to this story than that, though they tried their best to make it intriguing.

Even the movie poster is lifeless.
     Well, most everyone has to start at the bottom, and this is one of George Clooney's first films. Sadly (or thankfully), he's killed off in the first 15 minutes. And who's that standing over there in the police uniform? Maureen McCormick...better known as Marcia, Marcia, MARCIA!!! That's right. One of the Bradys stopped by to boost this movie. She may be the only blonde to not show her boobs and the only really entertaining character.

This is horror movie that isn't scary, a comedy that isn't funny, but it is ALL '80s. Best viewed on the USA network in 1989.

Friday:  The first of only 2(!) zombie flicks.

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