Monday, October 13, 2014

What did I just watch?

Thankskilling 3

Well, it starts off with a close up of some medium built women's boobs. Yup.

In space, something something bewbs.
    So in essence, this is a sequel about a sequel that never happened. And I can't describe it other than it's just one fucked up mess. Half the cast is puppets, and the other half are human but a little on the outrageous side. The story is simple: Turkie finds out his movie Thankskilling 2 has been crap-canned and there's only one copy left in the world. His mission is to find that film at any cost. And that involved a lot of violent, over the top killings.

Looks like I missed one hell of a party.
     When I said this movie was messed up, I also meant its all over the place. The plot itself only takes about 30 minutes to tell. The rest of it is just puppets and vulgar weirdness. Look...I just watch these goofy damn movies and  co-workers think I'M the messed up one for doing so. But someone spent YEARS and a crapload of money putting this together. What does that make them?

What is this? I don't do drugs so none of this makes sense.
     What's even more strange? It was actually easy to sit through, the direction was decent, and the F/X (while cheap) was spot on. None of it made ANY sense but it wasn't a talentless hack-job like I've seen several times just in the last week. True, the others were trying to be serious, while this one clearly knew it's place in the universe. But under all the layers of crap, there's actual quality hidden deep within. I know at this point you might be questioning my sanity, but I can assure you that throughout this movie I uttered 'WTF? repeatedly. See? I still have the ability to reason and can tell right from wrong. Still though:

Monday: I warned of this earlier, and it's time to get this series out of the way.

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