Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cop-out Movie of the Month

Leprechaun 4 : In Spaaaaaaaaace
Right...forgot about the .gifs

     How the hell did we get here? In space? This was a strange byproduct of '90s horror franchises that ran out of ideas. Jason did it, Hellraiser did it, so this film fell in line with the others and suited up for interplanetary travel.

     Sooo...some idiotic Space Marines or some such head to planet to save some dim-witted daughter of some VIP from the gnarly clutches of The Lep. Meh...nobody really cares at this point. Nobody could POSSIBLY give two tinkers damn about what or why. During the lame ass firefight with Lep, for reasons unknown, Lep jumps on a grenade in order to protect his bride to be. Odd, because he's not known to be selfless. After it explodes, one of the soldiers urinates on the dismembered body parts and somehow Lep's essence is transferred to the soldiers....wiener? Well, later on, a reincarnated Lep just shot out of some poor guys crotch. So, yeah. That happened and I got to see it.
<sigh>.........yes, this really happens

     Wacky Leprechaun hijinks follow the rest of the movie until the end when we're treated to a heavily mutated Dr. Mittenhand (gwaa, that name!) going on a rampage. He's been infused with DNA from scorpions, spiders, lions, tigers, oh my. More fighting, more running, and we end with Lep exploding in space because that what people believe happens when you're put in a pressure-less environment. That's not what really happens in space, but why worry about realism this late in the game.
This is Dr. Mittenhand. He's a super freak.
     Idiotic over the top military commander, Super smart and super hawt molecular biologist, these characters are jerk-ass-tacular. This is the only film (so far) of the franchise that wasn't released in a consecutive year...It's also where I sign off of this franchise for the season. There are 3 more films, and with time I'll find those in the same $5 bin I found this set.
Fitting way to end this mini-marathon. I hate you, Lep.
Friday: Such a literal title...

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