Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Honestly, Leprechauns are my new clowns. To hell with both of them.

Leprechaun 2

     Well, that ugly little green shithead is back and here we go with the flashbacks. Turns out a thousand years ago, he cursed some tool because he tried to steal his gold AND because he cock-blocked Lep by keeping a potential bride from sneezing a third time. The curse is simple: Lep will marry his decedents daughter in 1000 years. Soooo....not much planned in between that?
     The last time we saw Lep, he was in a burning well. This time, he pops out of a tree in LA. So, yeah, the transition was flawless. Anyhoo, when he captures his bride to be, he bundles her up and starts slathering gold all over her. Lep likes it a little freaky. He realizes he's lost a piece of his fortune and goes ape-shit and hunts down Cody, our protagonist. Cody, by the way, is a poor mans Cory Haim.
One thing I noticed is the quality of F/X and set design. Believe it or not, it actually increased from the first. I'm sure this is in part because the budget was twice as high. According to Wiki, the first film's budget was $900k, while the second was over $2mil.

     Are we really just doing this to keep Warwick employed? Is this what the 90s were for him? I'm almost sorry for him.

Highlights include:

Dude-bro making out with a running lawnmower with expected results.

Clint Howard!!!

Wednesday: What the hell is it about that damn coin?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, wait until he makes the sudden and inexplicable leap into space.
