Friday, October 10, 2014

Still A Little Sleepy

Underworld: Awakening


The story opens with some blah blah about the world finding out about non-humans and going full on holocaust over it. The short vignette does a great job showcasing that nasty human propensity for justifying unnecessary violence, and was truly more terrifying than anything supernatural in the movie. Shortly after we find that someone has put the freeze on heroine from the first two flicks, Selene, called "Subject 1". Selene was thawed by "Subject 2", whom she suspects is Michael, her Lycan-Vampire Hybrid lover (from the first two flicks). She goes looking for him and finds something unexpected...actually a few unexpected things are revealed. Unfortunately, if I say more I'll give away the plot and it is an okay edition to the Horror-Action Adventure genre.

I like Underworld as a concept and basically enjoyed all the movies but this was a lukewarm. As much as I love watching Selene splatter people, this has more of an episodic feel. Rather than waste viewers time dragging out sequels, why not just push for a really state of the art cinematic-quality series. They could pick up the Firefly model and have extended time-slots. I would totally tune in for a 1.5hr Underworld series. As a movie, it just played out like a precursor to a (hopefully better planned) sequel, and that just wasn't enough.

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