Wednesday, October 8, 2014

So it's come to this.....

Puppet Master 10: Axis Rising
Always with the damn Nazis

     Once again I take it upon myself to torture and maim my psyche in order to watch this creepy-ass series so you don't have to. This was well documented last year, and here we go with one more trip down Creepy Fuck Lane filled with what could best be described as a 'chronological disorder' and the worst acting available. More creepy puppets, more Nazis...they seem to go hand in hand.

     Once more we go back in time and pick up where we left off in the last film. The Nazis are still in LA and they're still doing Nazi things. Ozu, the villainess from the last film, is stopped by Nazis in full dress uniforms...we're still in LA, by the way.... and murdered for the puppet she has in her bag. Meanwhile, the 2 dummy protagonist from the very same last film are rounding up the puppets and have some disturbing news from Blade (in the form of charades) that the Nazis have Tunneler. 

     As with every film in this series, the actors are forgettable and terrible. Most memorable was Stephanie Sanditz who plays a Nazi She-Wolf who's German accent sounds like a porn-star trying to do a fetish film. There's only one person that could have played this part —> Wendy O. Williams. Unfortunately, she passed away after putting a bullet in her head thereby saving herself the agony of being part of this film. However, in a rather strong semblance, the She-Wolfs life ends the very same way! Is that synergy or what?!? But not all is as it seem...Commandant Moebius has a doctor working for him, helping to gawwd....more damn puppets. And guess who's soul just got infused in his newest piece of work? That's right, the She-Wolf is now Bombshell. The first of 4 new Nazi puppets. Her boobs shoot guns. That's really all I have to say about her. Rounding out the rest of the newbies are Weremacht, a werewolf (seriously?), Blitzkrieg, a tank thing, and Kamikaze, who is a total blast to hang with. Actually, Kamikaze almost offends me with it's propaganda-esque caricature of a Japanese Imperial soldier.
Seriously....all lame and slightly offending.

     Any-hoo, at the end we're treated to a silly all out brawl between the puppets including some girl puppet on girl puppet action complete with hair pulling! It appears that all the Nazi's are killed and WWII was won that night. According to this movie, your history books are full of LIES!!!

Thursday: Coulrophobia!

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