Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Gobble, Gobble, Mother Fucker!"---Turkie circa 2009


Who can say no to a face like that?

     Farther down the spiral we go with tonight's feature being about an ancient killer turkey that speaks English remarkably well. Or is it a remarkably well spoken killer turkey from ancient times? Meh, either way you shoot it, it looks and sounds stupid. And it is. A cursed turkey, recently re-animated, starts hunting down lame-ass college students while on Thanksgiving break. There's some gruesome kills and some cheesy one-liners uttered by the turkey. Seeing is believing. I actually liked this dorky movie because it reminded me of Flesh Eating Mothers, though less serious. Since it clocks in around an hour, it can't hurt you any longer than that. According to Wiki, The budget was $3500 and it was filmed in 2007, but not released until 2009. There's also a sequel to be out in 2012! Budget for that will be around $100k via Kickstarter and if I can get my hands on a copy, you bet your ass we'll be reviewing that next October.

And the best one-liner? "You just got stuffed!!!"

Friday: Speaking of Stuff.....

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