Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Why do people forget how to run?


Trust me, every version of the movie poster was terrible

     Doctor Winifred Walker's husband was badly wounded in Vietnam losing most of his limbs to a mine or something. A former teacher has been working on some magic DNA science and she thinks he might be able to help. He agrees to help and the husband is transferred to his lab. During the experiments on her husband, one of the lab assistants professes his love for Winifred and naturally she turns him down. So, he goes all pissy-pants and doses her husbands experimental fluid with poorly labeled containers filled with....something. Hell if I know, it was just colored water. This, in turn creates one of the most bloated Frankenstein's Monster I've ever seen and also the least convincing version. Stiff and dull seems to sum it up best. 

You seriously can't out run him?!?

     Anyhoo, our thicc monster does the usual rampage thing, kills some innocent people, kills some bad people,  and ends up being torn to pieces by dogs...somehow they were stronger than bullets? Yeah, I don't watch these for realism.

     I don't get could a blaxploitation horror film from the '70s with a budget that equals a handful of postage stamps have acting issues? And f/x issues? And writing issues...?!? Mind-blowing! You'd think everyone would be all about this film and not just out for a quick buck.😒

Thursday: Damn it, these idiots again....8th time's the charm, right?

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