Tuesday, October 18, 2022

If you're in need of a nap....

 Dracula on Holiday

     It's a simple idea: Drac is old, boring and stuck in his ways, possibly consumed by fears. But in his defense, his fears include water, garlic, sunlight, bibles, crosses...the usual things that KILL VAMPIRES. I would call these reasonable fears for a man of his condition. But if people were reasonable, we wouldn't have this stunning plot. So, it's off to Scotland  to see the sights with his trusty Renfield and some lady name Lucy in tow. And for the next 1hr 20min they do so in the most benign fashion possible. Then the ex shows up...but...SFW!!!

    This movie is soooooo boring!!!  Cripes, what a waste of time. I could have been reading q-codes instead of sitting through this. This was as much a horror movie as the Halloween movies are to training for long distance running. I'm sure this looked good on paper, but it clearly did not translate well. Maybe having one guy do pretty much everything stifled the creative process? Please observe: 

Moving the hell on...

Wednesday: A cinematic classic from 1973...

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