Monday, October 11, 2021

So much gross....

 The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf

     At the start of the film, we catch up with Karen's corpse, recently suffering from a silver bullet infection. As with most funerals, family shows up. Her brother and close friend are in attendance and so is a werewolf hunter (wouldn't that make him a 'wherewolf' hunter?), played by an O.G. named Christopher Lee. Maybe you've heard of him? 

He blends in seamlessly in any situation.

     Anyhoo, he drops a bomb informing both of them that his sister was a werewolf, and being shot and killed on live TV was planned. Turns out she wasn't into the eating people and being hairy. After convincing them of his sisters newly acquired DNA, they pledge to help him hunt down every dog person they can. Now to me, that sounds like a murder spree! Quick, to the Balkins!!!

    Once in some sort of east European country, no doubt under a Soviet puppet government, we're introduced to the main baddie and newly re-incarnated Stirba. Played by Sybil Danning, she assumes control, starts barking orders and showing her boobs. She also has a 3-some, strictly for procreative purposes, I'm sure.

Since when do werewolves have hand-powers?

     What was to be murder spree turned into a rescue mission as one of the trio is kidnapped and held in a really cool catacomb cell, complete with walls made of skulls! In the end, Christopher Lee kills the werewolf lady while the two are embraced in...em...glowy stuff?

Too much glowy stuff for a proper werewolf movie

     Maybe not the best ending, but far from the worst. At least the theme was the same throughout the film. Oh and the money shot was the end credits: The faux punk band named Babel we're treated to at the beginning also ends the film accompanied by a montage of scenes we JUST saw and they put Sybil's boobs in every 3-5 seconds, over and over. That's a lot of boobs and I think I was being trolled. 

Tuesday: We're going down!...under......

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