Tuesday, October 12, 2021

In Name Only....

The Howling VI: Freaks    

     Really, I just wanted to phone this one in. 5 prior movies ranging from terrible to mediocre, hardly any of them cannon, F/X mostly cheap and dry....what was I supposed to feel? Fulfilled? Curiosity sated? Nope....just sleepy. How did this franchise survive this long? Sure, there's 2 more sequels, but who fucking cares?!? Just like the last 3, this is The Howling in name only.  Because of this, the franchise really has no identity and this is mostly why it fails. And this entry?....

    Let me just make this quick. British wanderer wanders into a small, dying town in USofA. He barters help for food/shelter, and a preacher abides and they fix up his church. Then some lame circus freak-show rolls into town and basically kidnaps our wandering Brit...because he's apparently a werewolf. Mean ol' Circus owner turns him into the main act and the show bombs. Then the local cop investigates and it's revealed that the circus owner is vampire? Right. So vampire kills the cop and mayor, and in turn,  werewolf boy turns him in to dust. The end.

     This is like one really long episode Friday The 13th: The Series. And there are parallels to that: boring, weak writing, has nothing to do with the original movie...sound familiar? 
     It's time to toss this one in the trash and get the better half of October rolling. I'm at the half way point and there's some cooler/dumber things on the way.


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