Saturday, October 19, 2019

Take a deep breath before saying out loud....

The Biker Warrior Babes Vs. The Zombie BABIES From Hell

I'm not sure HD was ever needed or observed.

     Yeah, I had to emphasize that one word. BABIES. This barrel-scraping sucktacular is about a biker chick killing babies. Her bike isn't even that nice.

     Jesus, just wow....OK, so after a blood sacrifice has gone south, a hole in the ground is opened up and out come the worst CGI zombie babies this world has ever seen. We also meet Zipp, the bad-ass biker bitch that's totally not a poser despite those shaved and penciled in eyebrows. Oh, and she wears pleather. There's other characters but mostly forgettable. Seriously, 2 minutes after the last line of the movie ("Let's go fuck!"), I've forgotten just about everything about these idiots and their stupid zombie baby war. Sure, you get a blood facial, a plucky lesson in strip tease, fart, poop, and sex jokes, but it's just another film made by people that scraped together enough cash for bad costumes, props, and a nerd to do the computer-generated imagery. Keeping that in mind, I'm also not a complete hater: This was a goofy film, easy to digest despite all the groan-worthy scenes and ham-fisted acting. They had fun and got some resume padding and a movie credit! In comparison, what did I do today?....scrubbed a shower and napped. They win this round....

Sunday: Chicks and sharks, amirite?!?

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