Tuesday, October 15, 2019

He named his cat Sir Lancelot....

Murder Party

     Chris is our main character, and he's plain. He's so plain his last name might as well Generic. On a walk home, he stumbles upon an invitation for a 'murder party'. He wasn't invited, but he's going. He even made pumpkin bread (sadly, with raisins)! After fashioning a suit of armor out of cardboard, our Capt.  Quaalude heads out for a party!

Everyone is sitting in their own puddle of wank

       ....a party put on by idiot art students, full of murderous intent and pretentious back-stabbing. They're really a bunch of flakes kissing up to some dip-shit named Alexander. Their plan is simple: Murder the simpleton that actually showed up to the 'murder party' and film in the name of art.

     After some drugs, soul searching, and general wankness, the bloodbath begins with some shootings, axings, chainsaws, fire, and um....clumsiness. Or finale was a climatic chase scene where our protagonist (not really. He's a bit of a pud) is being chased by the ax-wielding quiet one. It's always the quiet one.

     I'm surprised they made this extended episode of Tales from the Crypt 80 minutes long, but it was actually a good watch despite the mid-point slow down. Otherwise, I liked it's quirkiness and deadpan humor.

Wednesday: The good news is, I'm over the hump....

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