Friday, October 4, 2019

Boooo!!! Hissss!!!!

Hisss (2010)

Holy hell, somehow I ended up in Bollywood

      So some jerk-ass American with brain cancer is in India trying to capture a legendary snake named Nagin. Word on the street is its blood grants immortality. That's just the kind of thing a guy literally dying on the inside could use. Then again, he's a bit of an asshole and cancer is the best thing for that. Anyhoo, he has some locals help him trap a snake for bait to catch the bigger snake that has blood of immortality. He's not really concerned about the human cost in this endeavor so naturally people die. However, he manages to catch the snake and imprisons it in a glass tank and waits. It seems to me 'waiting' isn't the optimal idea considering he has about 6 months to live. The good news is, it works and here comes a snake lady to just butcher the hell out of every disrespectful man that dare lay a finger on a woman in malice. Shifting back and forth from snake to lady, she just HAPPENS to be very ascetically pleasing.


     Sadly, you're subjected to one of the most boring build-ups to climax despite the really awkward (rubber) snake sex scene and I realize why I'm not really into Bollywood movies. Truth be told, if I had know this was a Hindi flick, I would have passed. Because of my early anime back ground, I'm OK with subtitles, but it's soooo dull.

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