Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Obligatory Turd in the Punch Bowl

Zombie Spring Breakers

A.K.A. Ibiza Undead

Really, had NOTHING to do with Spring Break. The English don't have Spring Breaks. They have Holidays.

     I hate zombie movies. In the early days, they were brainless slaves drugged up or under mind control. Then Romero came in and turned them into brain eaters, though I don't think the word 'zombie' was ever used in the that film. They were boring, staggering, uncharasmatic dullards that I never feared. It wasn't until the 2000's turned them into insanely fast, strong, and tough-to-kill blood thirsty maniacs. In short, they had to crank them up to make them slightly scary or interesting. That's why it's difficult to watch ANY zombie movie......
     ....unless it's a comedy...maybe...   That brings us to this film. An Engilsh 'zomedy' film centered in the Mediterranean. Some bloke thought running a night club using zombies dancing on stages would be the best asset, so he buys a ship full of them. Sadly, the ship sinks and the cargo....well, it just starts walking to the shore. In the mean time, 3 turds  and a woman from England decide to holiday at that same island. What are the chances, right?

     From there, it's all about survival with a little bit of dark humor thrown in. Truthfully, I never laughed out loud, but I might have smiled once. It's not a great, or even good movie. But it's not a bad movie either. Like most zombie movies, it's a 90 minute time waster.

Wednesday: I guess it is technically the start of the Holiday Season.....

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